
General Enquiries

Contact Details

01472 502 400
[email protected]

Executive Principal: Mr Richard Briggs
SENCO: Mrs Sam Hall

To contact specific parts of our academy please fill out the form on this page and select the relevant contact.

Please contact the academy to request any paper copies.

To contact 快猫成版视频 Members, Trustees and Local Academy Council Governors please email:
[email protected]

Contact Form*

    Contact For: (required)
    General EnquiryTransition (Year 6)Learning ManagerSpecial Educational NeedsChild Protection/SafeguardingFinance/PaymentsPraise/Good News StoriesConcern/Issue

    Select Praise if you would like to praise somebody. It may be a member of staff who has helped you or your child. It could be a child (including your own) that deserves recognition.

    Learning Manager: (required)

    Praise for/Good News: (required)

    Your Details:

    Find us on the map

    Healing Academy
    Low Road
    North East Lincolnshire
    DN41 7QD

    Healing Academy is sponsored by 快猫成版视频

    Please find 快猫成版视频’s contact details below.

    Low Road
    North East Lincolnshire
    DN41 7QD
    01472 582525
    [email protected]